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Summer Program 2017


Covid-19 Updates

Health and Safety:  Our Top Priority
Toronto Dance Industry follows the health and safety requirements as put forth by the Ministry of Health, in addition to many measures we feel are necessary based on the nature of our activities and facility.  Guidelines and protocols outlined below are strictly enforced and may change as necessary to better protect our students and staff.  Please take a look at our Welcome Back Video for a visual presentation of what you can expect as we return to dance.
Update to video:  Masks will be worn at all times, including during class.
  • To reduce the number of people in the studio, parents, siblings and family members will not be permitted in the building.

  • All staff and teachers are antigen tested regularly. 

  • 3 & 4 year olds may have one parent bring them into the studio during their PreDance, Kinder Dance or Kinder Ballet class.  5 & 6 year olds will be escorted to and from class once they have been dropped off at the studio entrance.

  • Class sizes have been reduced significantly to allow for physical distancing at all times.

  • Online options are available for most classes.  This will allow students to continue their training with their classmates even if they cannot physically be in the studio. 

  • There are no confirmed plans for spring recitals at this time.  This will depend on the restrictions on hand later in the season.  Should performance opportunities become available, this will apply to in-studio classes only.  Virtual classes will not participate in recitals.

  • The locker room, quiet room, lunchroom, shoe closets, lounges and dressing rooms are currently closed.  Students are asked to come dressed in their uniform ready for class.  Washroom access is limited to one person at a time and is not available for changing.

  • Drop in visits are not permitted.  All students must be pre-registered for class.  Please give the studio a call to arrange an appointment after September 13 if you must come into the studio.  Screening and temperature checks will take place before anyone can enter the building.

  • Classes have been scheduled with staggered start times to reduce the traffic in the studio between classes.

  • All classes have a designated entrance to the building.  Please be sure you are aware of your entrance before heading to the studio.

  • The studio remains closed until 10 minutes prior to class time.  A staff member will greet students at the door for screening and temperature checks.

  • Masks must be worn by everyone at all times.  This includes during class.  

  • Hands must be sanitized upon entrance to the building.  Students will be required to sanitize their hands before and after each class.  Hand sanitizer is provided. 

  • Students should bring only the essentials to the studio in a small bag that will be kept with them in class (non-spill water bottle, dance shoes, mask).

  • Please do not send your child to the studio if he/she or any member of your household is not well.  Should the onset of a flu-like symptom become apparent during a visit to the studio, parents are called and students must be picked up immediately.

  • Students who stay home are encouraged to take their class online.  In-studio make up classes are not available this season.

  • TDI follows Public Health rules when it comes to returning to the studio after being unwell in any capacity.

  • One way traffic in the studio corridors for students and staff.  Please respect the signs that are posted.

  • Dance studio floors, personal belonging bins, barres and all high touch surfaces are sanitized between classes.  High touch surfaces around the studio are cleaned regularly throughout the day.

  • Upgraded air filters are replaced frequently in our HVAC system.

  • Hands off approach to teaching.  Verbal corrections only will be given by instructors whenever possible.

  • Payment is by credit card or personal cheque only.  Cash is not accepted.

  • Vending machines are off limits.  Please bring your own non-spill water bottle.

  • In the event that an instructor is unwell, and a substitute teacher is not available, students should be prepared to move their class online until a substitute teacher can be secured.

  • In the event of a studio closure, being it government mandated or due to other COVID-19 related matters,  Toronto Dance Industry will move to virtual classes immediately for everyone.  There will be no refunds or credits for the remainder of that term.  

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